Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Something New

Came across this sweet thang cleaning out things this summer.  My Grandma often gave me these as gifts & glad she included the dates... wow 98!

That was the year before I got married!  This little gal has followed my marriage journey.  A few things were speaking to me at the time... I'm not sentimental w/ things and give them away maybe too heartily.  So the fact that I'd kept this box of Precious Moments was a tad bit of miraculous.  And then being from my Grandma who over the course of my marriage until her passing in 2010 had become a sweet friend.  I'd heard her voice pray for me over the phone or in person holding my hands.  I'd heard her share her own heart of life's joys & losses.  And she too seemed to be there with me as I pulled the girl from the box.

And then the brokenness.  The butterfly had broken off her hands and the whole girl was unattached from the base.   But I think it was the reading of the title that resonated most... "We are God's Workmanship" - tears came to my eyes.

I am guilty of letting the brokenness in my life eat me alive.  Torment me almost subconsciously with the line, "You're unsavable."  I read today in 1 Peter 3 - a husband can be won over by the purity of their wives - and the definition found for purity was "freedom from sin or guilt."  Freedom from the guilt... sweet Jesus.    (The husband/wife thing has nothing to do w/ the post, just had revelation on purity being freedom from sin or guilt - aka brokenness!)  To meet a Savior who teaches how to turn and face our brokenness without guilt that he may bring it to life again.

I love this song!  Tell Your Heart to Beat Again - Phillips, Craig, & Dean.  Hubs and I were out today at lunch and I heard it for the first time.  (I googled it and it isn't new, it was out in 2012.)  Then we ran out later to get mouse traps!  Yep our current score is mice zero, Crane's 1 - and maybe he was our only one but more traps just in case... ok lands i digress!  Driving. Again, tonite.  Song plays again.  Remember my last post, trust God speaks in ways you understand?  Songs and I go hand in hand!

If you can take a minute listen - and look back up at the Precious Moment.  That thing glued back together as if brand new.  Seriously - inspection wouldn't even come close to scarin' me it's that good.  The work of Christ is perfect & believing in him provides complete freedom from the sin!  No amount of scrutiny should scare us... because that's what he died for... to fix our broken selves and do something new!


  1. Your words so resonated with me today Shannon! Thank you for sharing!!!
