Sunday, October 26, 2014


yesterday marked the start of wk 26
got this special surprise in the mail too

my friend Michelle sent me this - a few yrs back now, she and I and two others were in a Bible study at our church together - i actually forget what the study was, but on top of the study they'd let you sign up in groups - i don't exactly remember the groups but it would have been like a single mom's group, or a going through divorce group, or working women's group, etc - and the group the 4 of us were in was the one for women desiring children... so the first hour of the weekly study we met in one large group and heard teaching on that week's topic, then we broke off into our small groups, chatted about the personal studies we did and often about our personal lives

it was such a special group to be apart of...  from the beginning, 2 of the four were pregnant!  so we walked through their pregnancies together...i saw God fulfill promises and bring great joy as well as watched them depend on him through their fears

today as i write, counting mine in the womb, there are 6 children to be had by the 4 of us 

what a gift to have had that season to share with 3 others who understood... to see God fulfill their waiting... to gain strength from their strength and faith from theirs 


  1. you Shannon and am so grateful for the blessing our Lord and Savior has bestowed upon you! Miss you!!
