Saturday, September 6, 2014

Tues. Apt.

Going for the ultrasound apt. on Tues!  9.9.14!  SO excited.   W/ IFV you have 4 ultrasounds by wk 10 then you have nothing for 10 wks, whose idea was that?

We aren't finding out what's in there!  Watching others have babies I never thought I'd be one to wait, and if anyone wasn't gonna wait, i'd have thought that would be my husband.   But go figure, he wants to be surprised the day of delivery... and I'm on board.  I think this apt. will be tough but then after that I'll be fine again.

So instead of sharing the gender, at 19 wks today... let me share my heart on the matter.

Be it a Son...

If what I feel fluttering is you baby boy then within me I'm carrying an old friend.  One who I was introduced to Oct. 2004.  The idea of you spoken to me in the prayer of a woman who called you Samuel.   My lands how her words, the idea of you has embraced me in many moments prior to the presence of the you I feel now.  When I picture you, it is most often you as a 20 something young man, dark hair and with a wisdom about you that is bold and strongly quiet all at the same time.  Confident.  If it is you baby boy, meeting you for real will be a beautiful bridge for me that ties together a past of faith for you and a future of walking side by side seeing the who of you.  It will be a joy.

Be it a Daughter...

If what i feel dancing like a queen is you baby girl, then the past will truly remain that and a light i've never seen before will have sparked within me... i see a road of unfamiliar and a road of enthusiasm, both excite me to the core.  What I promise you is your father will adore you more than anything in the whole world and that will be my joy.

Heard this song this morning as I was getting ready and will close with a thanks to a loving Father God who surrounds me with grace for this journey... xo to You with all that's in me.

Update: Pic from the ultrasound (9.9.14)

1 comment:

  1. Keeping the gender a surprise is so much fun! We did that with our daughter (born two months ago). It was my husband's idea, too! It's a little nerve-wracking at times, but overall it wasn't too bad not knowing (it seriously seemed to stress out everyone around me more than it actually did me). And it was the best surprise ever when she was born. I hope your appt. went well:)
